When you get injured on DayZ, moving around with a Splintz is necessary because moving around with untended broken limbs will cause more health damages, you can even go unconscious which makes you vulnerable to attacks and hazards.
Survivors can’t jump or sprint when wearing a Splintz because it limits movement capacity. You can climb with a Splintz on, and jog without getting shock damages. Splintz is necessary to protect your wounds from further health damages.
To make a Splintz in DayZ, you have to craft recipe that requires sticks and bandages or rags. Sticks are gotten by chopping down small bushes or splitting wood from a chopped tree.
You also need four rags/bandages and two sticks to make a single Splintz.
- Take two small sticks from your inventory and place them in your hands
- Select rags or bandages from your bag
- Select Splintz recipe from crafting options
- Press and hold ‘B’ to combine your sticks and bandages or rags as the case may be
- Bring up item screen and take Splintz from the vicinity tab
- Place and store it in your bag for future use. Or apply to your broken limbs.
How to make a Splintz in DayZ on PS4
- Take two small sticks from your inventory and place them in your hands
- Highlight rags or bandages from your bag
- Cycle through crafting options till you reach Splintz recipe
- Press and hold ‘Circle’ to combine your sticks and bandages or rags as the case may be
- Bring up item screen and take Splintz from the vicinity tab
- Place and store it in your bag for future use. Or apply to your broken limbs
How to make a Splintz in DayZ on PC
- Take two small sticks from your inventory and place them in your hands
- Select rags or bandages from your bag
- Select Splintz recipe from crafting options
- Press and hold ‘left mouse button’ to combine your sticks and bandages or rags as the case may be
- Bring up item screen and take Splintz from the vicinity tab
- Place and store it in your bag for future use. Or apply to your broken limbs
How to make a Splintz in DayZ 1.10
DayZ 1.10 marked the introduction of Splintz medical item in DayZ.
- Harvest o take the required items from your inventory
- Place items in your hands
- Press and hold the combine button on your controller/PC
- Hold for five to ten seconds till animation ends
- Store Splintz in your inventory or put on a broken limbs
How to use Splintz in DayZ
Make Splintz and store for future use or put them on your broken limbs .
- Take Splintz from your bag and place in your hands
- Hold down assigned use button fir about 5 seconds
- Check continuous action time
- Note that Letting go of the use button during the crafting process will cancel the healing process.
- Once you apply on your broken limbs, it heals it depending on the severity of damage.
How do you heal yourself in DayZ?
Avoid what causes sickness like drinking dirty water, eating contaminated food, staying close to an infected survivor, etc. Use bandages or rags when you are wounded.
What is a wooden Splintz?
When you are wounded and you don’t use Splintz, it can cause continuous shock damage, or you end up unconscious from moving too much with a broken limbs.
It’s important to use Splintz when you are wounded as well as take precautionary measures to protect yourself in DayZ.
This article was first published on August 18, 2022 12:34Â p.m. WAT