A Nest thermostat is one of Google’s products, it is a smart thermostat that learns what temperature you like and builds a schedule around your comfort. With this one can improve the daily schedule of their comfort system.
But this thermostat won’t work correctly or at all if there is an error code interrupting the system. The specific error code it shows offers useful information about the cause of the problem, and each error code has its own solution.
This article will be discussing causes and solutions to the nest error e298 as well as other error codes one might encounter on their Nest thermostat.
What’s the Nest Error E298?
The Nest Error E298 is a critical error. This critical error code is limited latest models of the Google’s Nest thermostat. It usually displays when the power is disconnected from the system. Once this happens, because it is a critical power error, the thermostat will switch to the backup battery system. But the error message will remain on the screen until the issue is resolved.
You can lose power on the Nest thermostat for several reasons. For one the wiring may have disconnected or even damaged, or there is a disconnection in your home’s electrical system like the circuit breaker, fuse box or system switch. A professional technician can check electrical connections and wiring, find the source of the problem and fix it for you.
#1. Check the battery
Check your thermostats’ inbuilt batteries, there might be the problem. If the batteries of Nest Thermostat lose charge, you will encounter some error codes, including E298.
Charge the battery by plugging the device into a power outlet or simply swap out AA or AAA cells. All depends on the model of your Nest Thermostat.
#2. Check HVAC wiring
If there are faults in the wiring, it can lead to a “no power” alert, which brings the Nest error e298. If that is the case, check the thermostat wiring first to ensure there are no missing or faulty connections; you can contact a professional technician for that.
If the thermostat is connected to a system requiring a C or common wire, check if that connection is working properly. Another thing, check the HVAC system’s circuit breaker, the fuse box or system switch. Check them to ensure they’re all on and that the fuse is intact.
#3. Check the state of HVAC
The HVAC equipment needs to be in working order for Nest thermostat to work without errors such as this. The Nest error E298 can be problems with the HVAC itself.
For example a slow condensate drain: clogged drains or dust filters are known to cause HVAC systems to trip switches and shut off resulting in this error on the Nest thermostat. Just check if your HVAC equipment is in working order and clean any clogged drains or dust filters then try using it again to see if it starts working properly.
Other Error Codes on Nest Thermostat
Nest Error E294
This is also a critical error code, it shows up when your Nest thermostats’ wiring needs to be reconfigured. You need the help of a technician to reconfigure the R wire. They need to first conduct a factory reset of your thermostat to ensure it’s not just a software problem. They have to also review the wiring diagram of the thermostat and start inspecting the connectors.
Ultimately, they will shut off the power and slowly examine each wire, and ensure they are fully attached into the connector with the correct amount of exposed copper. They can exchange the problem connector for a new one.
Nest Error E195
This error code is also critical, and can surface when the weather outside is hot. In such case the HVAC system can fail and stop sending power to your Nest thermostat. If the problem lingers, the backup battery in your thermostat drains and the thermostat will go down. For this also contact a professional technician.
This error can deplete your thermostats’ battery. The first step is to provide enough power to determine if this specific error code is what you’re working with. The technician or you (whoever is fixing) can disconnect the thermostat from its base and provide power using a USB cable. Also the technician should visually check components including the wiring as well as your air conditioner’s air filter or drainage system to uncover anything wrong in the system.
The Nest Error e103
The Nest error e103 indicates an electrical malfunction with the Nest thermostat. The error code specifically e103 can refer to an overcurrent problem meaning the wiring is getting more power than needed. This can come from the breaker box, or an error from the control board or as a result -of a defective connection in the thermostat.
Also, a technician should be contacted to thoroughly inspect and test the Nest’s electrical system to figure out where the power is surging or why the thermostat is having an overcurrent problem.
The Nest Error n260
This error code is not so critical like the others, but it could still keep you from using the Nest thermostat effectively. Error code n260 occurs because of lack of a C wire or Nest Power Connector. The absence of the Nest Power Connectors can block your Nest from obtaining adequate power. You have to examine the Nest’s C connector for the presence of a C wire and adapt the wiring to the C connector itself if there is. If that is not the case, you need a Nest Power Connector.
While installing a Nest Power Connector, you may notice error code E297 on display.
Resolve this error by updating your thermostat in Settings menu > Software > Update. If Power Connector is installed already, you have to update the wiring information in the app instead. From Settings > go to Thermostat > Wiring > Update wiring.
The Nest Error e104
The error code e104 is a critical error in Nest Thermostat resulting from an overcurrent.
If excessive power is sent to Nest’s wiring, the internal components may be damaged and it may even result in a fire hazard. If you notice this error code appearing on your Nest thermostat and want to protect from electrical damage, switch the power off immediately.
Then proceed to get in touch with a professional technician with the appropriate experience to identify and fix electrical malfunctions like this.
Nest Error e73
This error is a critical error which indicates that the RC (Red cooling) wire is not getting power. Maybe the breaker is turned off, or it may also be an issue with the wiring. Shut off the power to your HVAC system and thermostat, thoroughly and visually inspect the wires to make sure nothing is loose or damaged. If nothing is off in your perspective, then get in touch with a local professional.
Tip: The costs for fixing Nest Thermostat errors depends on the specific Nest model, you can count on paying about $75-$200 for repairs including travel and labor costs along with any specific hardware required to finish repairs.
Errors on Nest Thermostat are inevitable, however the few hacks highlighted in this article can do a lot of good in solving the error.