There are different meanings of MB or mb when found in a text, this article answers the question ‘What does MB Stand for in texting” ?
We all use abbreviations while texting, some are known while some are unknown by the recipients of our text. If you ever see MB in a text, here’s what it means and different ways to use it.
So, what does MB stand for in texting?
The meaning of MB in a text varies and highly depends on the context of situation. It can be used either conversationally or in a tech-related context. Whatever it is, these are the possible meanings of MB when you see it in a text.
#1. MB stands for My Bad
You say it when you realize you are wrong and want to offer an apology. Your friend can send it to you when they forget something or when there is a minor mix-up.
MB in this case sounds like an apology and shows the other person’s remorse towards the situation.
- My Bad! I totally forgot about out meeting today
- My Bad! I will return the book later in the day.
#2. MB stands for Maybe
Used to evade a yes or no question. Saying maybe is a way to wiggle out if a situation without offering full commitment.
- Are you free tonight? I don’t know, Mb
- Will you go for the seminar? MB!
#3. MB also stands for Megabyte in computing
An MB is a measure of information storage capacity in a computer which is equal to 1000kilobyte.
MB as in megabyte can be used to calculate cellular data, it precedes gigabyte (GB). It is simply a digital unit of measurement, it describes how much data a device holds. It is also used to measure download speed and also stands for storage space.
MB also stands for Megabit which is smaller than megabyte. Megabyte is abbreviated in the upper case MB; and megabit is abbreviated is the lower case mb.
- My 1GB SD card has only 28MB left.
- The download speed is 1mb.
- I have about 200mb data in my computer.
- My computer has 400mb storage space free.
#4. MB is also an Indian Music label
Started in July 2018 by Meet Bros the music director and Rajeev Sharma a veteran in the music industry. When someone says MB in a text, they might just be referring to the Indian music group.
#5. MB also stands for Mindless Behavior
An American boy band found in 2008 but they disbanded in 2017. They are known for the songs ‘My girl” and ” Mrs. Right”. Someone might be referring to them when they use MB in a text.
- The MBs are coming for the concert, I’d love to see them.
#6. MB is an abbreviation of Manitoba a province in Canada
So the texter might just be referring to Manitoba when they send you a text — Drive down to 500 main street, Winnipeg, MB.
#7. MB is an acronym for Bachelor of Medicine
In an academic context, MB can be referring to Bachelor of Medicine — He got an MB degree, Congratulations!
#8. MB stands for Millibar
Millibar is a metric unit of air pressure often used by meteorologists or people who study the weather. You can come across this abbreviation when reading a weather related article.
#9. MB can denote Might Be
A term used when you are not sure of something and you don’t also want to give a definite answer to the question.
- Is she also coming to the games? MB, I can’t tell.
#10. MB also means Message Board
A message board refers to an online space where mutual friends discuss topics that interests them. It could be a workspace, or something of sort.
Check the MB probably refers to check the message board.
Other informal meaning of MB includes ; Mamas boy, Matchbox, Motorbike.
Depending on the context, one should be able to decipher what MB stands for when you see it in a text. And as well use this abbreviation while they are texting other people too.