If you are reading this you probably have been searching for a means to keep accurate track of your steps, yes every single of them you have made in a day. You may just want to know if you have been walking too much or average or even too less and you may deliberately be walking as a workout routine. As we all may have known, walking is a very recommended form of exercise and allows us burn a ton of calories in a 15-30 minutes walk you successfully burn about 50 calories. Therefore, this article seeks to make all your step count. You may have known or heardof MyFitnessPal but hasn’t been properly intinmated on how to maximize its full potentials for uptimum fitness benefits.
What is MyFitnessPal About?
It is an app created to help you keep track of your daily steps or physical activity. So, If you’re an iOS user, and have a Fitbit, or any activity trackers that sync with MyFitnessPal, you’ll be able to see your daily step progress right on MyFitnessPal home screen, this detail comes with an update of how many calories you have successfully burned of that day. They also come withoput charges, and hence are free for all MyFitnessPal users.
Two things iPhone 5S users should know:
- Battery Life MyFitnessPal Steps is designed to access the Motion Activity history from your phone’s M7 coprocessor only during the normal MyFitnessPal sync process, this implies that there shouldn’t be any additional impact on your phone’s battery life.
- Also, if you are using a wearable tracker, like a Fitbit or Jawbone UP, there might be differences with the iPhone 5S step count. But over the course of several hours and full days, your step data should align with what a dedicated hardware tracker reports.
Here is how To sync your MyFitnessPal (on IOS) device:
Scroll or swipe to the MyFitnessPal app and tap to open
Tap on the ‘More tab’
Next, tap on Apps & Devices
Search and then tap on Health app
Tap on Settings to connect MyFitnessPal to Apple Health
Be sure to Allow “MyFitnessPal” to Access Data > Workouts is turned to ON to sync your workouts between both apps
Also, you can set this up directly in the Apple Health app:
Just, navigate to the Health app on your device and tap to open
Tap on ‘Profile’ in the top right corner
Then scroll to Privacy and tap on Apps
Tap on MyFitnessPal
Make sure to Allow “MyFitnessPal” to Read Data > Workouts is turned to ON to sync your workouts between both apps
Do the same steps for FitOn if you haven’t already done so
If you are an Android user here is how to sync MyFitnessPal (on Android):
- Download MyFitnessPal from Google Play Store
- Go to the MyFitnessPal app and tap to open
- Tap on the More tab
- Tap on Apps & Devices
- Search and tap on Google Fit
- Confirm all your settings you want to share and tap Continue
- Choose an account to continue to MyFitnessPal and tap Allow to permit MyFitnessPal have access to your Google Account
- Tap Allow to give MyfitnessPal access to your physical activity
- Then go to the FitOn app and go to Profile> Settings> Tap on Google Fit at the top of the screen
- Tap on Allow to give FitOn access to your Google Account.
- Once enabled this will sync all your future workouts.