Error: cannot re-use a name that is still in use” in your Helm command occurs when you re-run the helm install command . It appears if you accidentally cancel or if the install session gets aborted before it is completed which prompts you to re-run the helm install command.
How to fix error: Cannot re-use a name that is still in use
These few troubleshooting steps will help you fix the “Error: Cannot Re-use A Name That Is Still In Use”.
- First Uninstall the aborted or cancelled deployment using these command:
helm uninstall <deployment name> [--namespace <suite namespace>]
2. When uninstall is complete, then run the helm install command again to see if the error disappears.
Other solutions includes:
Deleting the complete namespace, do this by following UninstallOpsb.
Then Create a new secondary namespace. Follow Createsecondnamespace and
Run helm install again to see if the error is eliminated.
Also, another solution is to list out the available helm charts from helm list. You can for instance; enter image description then ; Delete the required helm chart.
These few hacks will help you eliminate the “error: cannot re-use a name that is still in use” error.